Paid bloggers write articles for a company and get paid or that. If an SEO company editor asks a blogger to publish blog posts containing links to their clients, then the bloggers usually charge for the same and are known as paid bloggers. Paid bloggers are responsible for generating most of the content for a website if not all. They are also responsible for building links, SEO, sharing, ads, etc, to promote their blogs.
This is the job of paid bloggers to choose when and what to talk about their blog and when to release the blog. Paid bloggers are somebody who is already settled in the field of content writing. They are already recognized by many editors. They usually do not go and approach to anybody for their ideas and writing. They usually take this job on a full-time basis, but it is not mandatory. Since paid bloggers are getting paid for their posts to be published, their posts are also sometimes referred to as sponsored posts, promoted posts, paid reviews, or advertorials.
Guest bloggers, on the other hand, pitch their ideas to the editors of various blogging sites, magazines, newspapers, etc. Not only that, guest bloggers are sometimes even approached by many editors but noticing their skills, and expertise in writing quality articles. Guest bloggers are the ones who are yet to settle in the market of blogging. They are usually new in this field and want to make their feet on this platform. They do not usually bother for money, initially. What they want is only recognition of their talents and skills. For that, they need to struggle a lot. They have approached many editors for their ideas. If their ideas are accepted then they may get a nice break otherwise, they need to do the same process, with other editors, or with new ideas, relevant to the particular magazine, newspaper, or blogging sites.
Common features of paid blogging and guest blogging
- Although paid and guest blogging are two different terms with two different definitions, but there are some common features as well, that describe these two.
- A blogger can work virtually from home or anywhere else. Not necessary to be present at the
location or job site. - Both blogging can opt on both a part-time and full-time basis.
- You can work according to your convenience, and time.
- In both cases, you are your own boss only and nobody else can rule you.
Difference between a guest blogger and a paid blogger
Although we can see some of the common features between these two types of blogging there is a thin line of difference as well between these two in terms of branding, revenue and much more. Let us have a small glimpse of the same. Guest bloggers sometimes work as a ghostwriter on a part-time basis for earning some money for their basic livelihood. Guest bloggers usually write and contribute their ideas and concepts for exposure of their own blogs, instead of payment, whereas paid bloggers contribute to any blogging site, and spend their valuable idea and time mainly for earning a respectable amount. Guest bloggers may have their own blogging site, but they usually write for some other bloggers’ blog or website. Hence, the name guest blogger is well justified. This gesture helps the other website to capture traffic for their site. This also helps the guest bloggers to promote their sites through some well-settled sites on the internet.
Both the guest posts and paid posts are the two forms of blog posts and both the terms highlight the fact of how a blog post is contributed. Guest bloggers are also known as advertisers sometimes do not write for other’s blogs, rather they hire bloggers for their own site and pay the bloggers for sponsored posts and reviews. They usually do this job to generate backlinks to their sites and improve their search engine ranking and also raise awareness of their product, and/or service. Guest posts are usually submitted to a website for free of cost. The bloggers in return get their link placed in the bio area of the blog post. Guest bloggers (if permitted by the blog owner) may also place a link or two within the content area of the blog.
Paid bloggers usually charge for any type of advertisement in their blog posts as the SEO companies also charge their clients for creating nofollow and dofollow links to their URL. They do so because the companies are also making a profit out of their blog.

Author: S N Chatterjee
Founder and Author of BDN Groups. He can help you create a highly-effective online presence & conversion rate optimization.